Saturday, December 21, 2013

A new tail to tell

As a Wildlife Biologist you never know what the day will bring. Playing with opossums, hanging out with birds--who knows, you may spend the day catching feeder rats for the different animals in my care.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Coffee Thoughts

With winter here, the landscape and scenery have changed so much, but it is no less beautiful and serves an important role in nature. 

Our lives are much the same: things change and we go through stages and phases--each one, though different, is no less important than the other. 
Just as the changing of the seasons helps to shape nature, so too the changing of our lives helps to shape us.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Coffee thought of the week

It is such an amazing thing to be able to work here at the Chattanooga Arboretum and Nature Center at Reflection Riding.

The beauty here makes it easy to unwind from a busy week. Nature has an amazing capacity for calming the soul. No matter where you work, be sure to set aside some time to get out and enjoy nature and use that as a tool to find your center and de-stress. 

Come out this weekend! 
I'll be hosting two animal presentations!
Free for members and free with admission for nonmembers. 

December 14:11 a.m. Skullduggery: Find a skull, but don’t know what animal it’s from? Learn how to tell the difference during our basic Skull I.D. class!
2:30 p.m. Red Wolf Program: Learn about the Red Wolf Recovery Program and see and perhaps help feed the wolves!

For more information visit

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Track ID Class

If you missed the tracking class this weekend, you really missed out!

After a brief time in the classroom, going over the basics of tracking and identifying the tracks of wild animals, we were able to get out and stalk some game animals. It is how the first settlers found their meals!

We found some deer tracks that lead us to a beaver slide at the creek, which the deer decided was a convenient place to drink.

For more information visit and come out for the next day of tracking!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A great day for a hawk release!

It is always amazing as an animal lover and rehaber to be able to help one of our woodland friends. 

It's days like this one when I am reminded why I do what I do!

The Chattanooga Arboretum and Nature Center at Reflection Riding does not rehabilitate animals. For more information about where to take injured animals in need, please visit our website at 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Taking our crow out to see the crowds!

Our crow is always very interesting to take to a program because they are the second smartest bird in North America. He is so inquisitive so every thing and detail they are paying attention to and it becomes a puzzle or game for them.

While he is sitting on the glove I'll give him something to tear apart like a piece of paper or a leaf.